In this article we will discuss salient features of Punarvasu Star.

The First three Padas of Punarvasu Star fall in Gemini while the fourth pada falls in Cancer. When Moon is in Punarvasu in Cancer, it will be Vargottama, so also is the case when it is in the third pada of Punarvasu in Gemini.

Persons born in Punarvasu Star attract others by their sweet talk. They keep up their word and uphold promises given by them. An example of this is Rama going to the forest upholding a promise given to Kaikeyi. Person born in this Star have the ability to keep senses under control. They are never given to panic or anxiety. To attain fame they have to take great efforts. They will be burdened with family responsibilities. They are also disease- prone. They have the ability to overcome hurdles and attain success.

A person born in the first pada will be given to merry- making. One born in the second pada is an intellectual. One born in the third pada will be disease prone while one born in the fourth pada will be a cheat; caution is required in the interpretation of charts.

The presiding deity of Punarvasu Star is Aditi. Her Mantra is “ Aum Aditi Namah”. She is limitless and symbolizes abundance. She is the foundation for the Universe.

Aditi was the daughter of Daksha Prajapati and was married to Kasyapa Rishi. Aditi gave birth to 33 Devas, 12 Adityas, 11Rudras, 8 Vasus, Indra and Prajapati.

The first tonsure ceremony of a child (Chowlam) should be undertaken in Punarvasu Star, according to scriptures.

In agriculture much importance is attached to eating new grains and for the first use of flowers and fruits. Let me explain this in a better manner. In a particular season let us assume certain flowers bloom. They are used for the first time in that season. For that event Punarvasu is a favourable Star.

In ancient times grain was a medium of trade similar to money. Expending grains at an appropriate Muhurta ensures that more grains will replace the expended ones. For that activity Punarvasu is a suitable Star.

An ideal Star for harvesting , gathering and storing of grains is Punarvasu. This Star is also favourable for sowing seeds and planting an orchard.

An appropriate Muhurta should be determined for ploughing land each time. Punarvasu is a suitable Star for this activity.

Ship Building was an important activity in ancient times and its importance is felt even today. For commencement of construction of luxury liners Venus should be strengthened. Punarvasu is an ideal Star to commence the activity of Ship Building.Punarvasu is an ideal Star for accounting ,book keeping and business correspondence.

Borrowing money is a crucial activity in any business. Punarvasu is a good day to borrow money. A person who gives gold on a day ruled by Punarvasu will make him a destitute while the recipient of Gold will flourish. Punarvasu is a ideal Star to repay debts. Tonsure Ceremony (or Chowlam) on a day ruled by Punarvasu brings fortitude. For hair cutting Punarvasu is a favourable Star. Punarvasu is a favourable Star to learn a new craft such as carpentry, sculpture and painting.
For minting coins this is a suitable Star. For Churning of milk, Cancer lagna with Moon in a Chara Nakshatra is favourable. Such Chara Nakshatras are Swati,Sravana, Dhanishtra, Satabhisha and Punarvasu. This lagna and star combination brings prosperity to the cows and generates an abundance of curd.

Punarvasu is a suitable Star for first use of dishes and vessels.
Learning the alphabet is considered important as it is through the sounds of letters, knowledge and information is communicated.

Punarvasu is a favourable Star for commencement of such activity.
For cutting nails, Punarvasu is a favourable Star. This Star is also suitable for making jewellery. It is a good star for buying and selling livestock. This Star is also suitable for purchase of elephants. The same principle holds good for donkeys, camels and mules. Horse riding requires expertise. Usually one desirous of learning this art has to take training in horse riding from an expert before riding a horse. To sit on the horse for the first time in life, Punarvasu is a favourable Star. For commencement of poultry farming, Punarvasu is auspicious. While on this subject, I wish to add that I do not wish to comment on how far poultry farming is Dharmic as it involves killing of birds.

Now-a-days, Marriage Invitations come out in various designs and glossy paper is used in aristocratic weddings. In ancient times one had to write an Invitation to invite a guest for wedding. For such activity Punarvasu is favourable.

Though Punarvasu and Pushyam are auspicious Stars, interestingly enough both these stars are forbidden for marriage. The Stars which are favourable for a Marriage Muhurtha are Rohini, Mrgasira, Makha, Hastam, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Revathi, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada and Uttarabhadrapada.

A disease which originates on a day ruled by Punarvasu, lasts for seven nights. For dental procedures, Punarvasu is a favourable Star. Punarvasu is an excellent Star for all medical treatments.

Aswini, Mrgasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhishek and Revathi are favourable Stars for medical treatments. Moola is supposed to be favourable according to Muhurta Chintamani.The Fixed Stars- Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada and Uttarabhadrapada are favourable according to Kalapranasika.

According to Kalaprakashika, Punarvasu is a suitable Star for coronation. It is also good for purchase of real estate and for purchasing vehicles. According to Muhurtha Chintamani, Punarvasu Star is suitable for digging wells.

I wish to pen my thoughts here about Lord Rama, who is one of the greatest celebrities to have been born in Punarvasu Star. Lord Rama was born in the last quarter of Punarvasu Star which falls in Cancer Maharishi Valmiki was a great astronomer who made sequential references on astronomical phenomenon relevant to life of Sri Rama.

Sri Rama was born in 5114 BC.The day Sri Rama fought the battle with Khar was a New Moon day on 7th October 5077 BC. Hanuman`s return journey from Sri Lanka to Sunaabh Hill in the middle of the sea was on 14.09.5076 BC. The date on which Ravana was killed appears to be 4th December 5076 B.C.

Sri Rama completed his 14 years of exile on 2nd January 5075 B.C. This means Sri Rama was 39 years old at the time he completed his period in exile and returned to Ayodhya.